Redmine is one of the popular web based open source free tool for your organization. We being startup use this tool for all our activities, like CRM, Invoicing, Inventory Management, Payroll, Payslip, Leave management, Expense management apart from regular project monitoring and control. In this post I will detailed out how to configure and use Redmine as Employee Referral Program – ERP.
After reading this post you will able to configure redmine workflow. You will need Administration privilege’s for this. You will able to get nice reports like this –
So lets get started on how to configure Redmine For Employee Referral Program Workflow-ERP.
Configure Redmine For Employee Referral Program Workflow
Create new project with name as “Employee Referral Program”, you can have any name you like. Once you create project form settings menu of project select ‘Issue tracking’ and ‘News’ as modules. These modules will be visible for all the users in navigation menu.
After this setting, the navigation menu to the use will look like as follows.
This step sets us basic project settings.
Referrer Group
Under ‘Admin->Groups’ create ‘Referrer’ group.
Assign all the users to this group, and tag “Employee Referral Program” project to this group.
The user allocated to this project will be from the “Referrer” group.
Roles And Permissions
From ‘Roles » Referrer’ setup access as view, add and edit for issues. Setup access permission as view for news. In issue tracking select permissions for the trackers as below
This will setup roles and permissions view for all the users so that they will referrer their friends and family members. Now setup permission for ‘HR manager’ role, under news section setup as ‘view news’, manage news and comment news. This section will be used to HR persons to publish the job posting details. This job posting will be available for all the users across organization.
In Redmine, trackers gives movement to your workflow. Here we will define all the Job Role as tracker. For example, in your organization you require Sr. Developer, Tester, Operations, Fresher. These are job roles and each job role will have some workflow. So, Let us define one tracker and assign to project.
Assign this tracker to project “Employee Referral Program”. Like wise create all the job role requirements as trackers.
Issue Status
Issue status is as per your organization need you can define and customize. In this sections issue status definitions will be done. Workflow customizations will be done in next step ie under admin -> ‘Workflow’. For simplicity I have selected following issue status like, CV shortlisted, Contacted by HR, Technical Round, HR round, Hired, and Hold/Closed.
Now this is section where most of the new comers to redmine feel its tedious task. Once you are clear on your process and flow this step is really easy. I recommend to note down your organization’s process workflow first. We have to define two workflows, one for all users and other for HR manager.
Here is sample all user workflow,
Now define HR manager workflow
Now, I have defined few custom fields like ‘Hired date’ and ‘joining date’ just to keep track of it. You may create it or you can skip this step.
This completes admin section on how to Configure Redmine For Employee Referral Program Workflow, lets see how end user will use it.
Employee Referral Program In Action
Once workflow is defined, HR manager shall publish the job posting under ‘News’ section. Please note only HR manager have edit permissions to this sections. You can have job posting in your company standard template. Here is sample.
User will get list of all these job posting on home page or ‘overview’. User can view this job posting, select new issue and create new issue under that particular tracker. For eg. I will be referring to ‘Full Stack Developer’ job posting, I will select tracker as ‘Full stack Developer’ upload my friends resume and done. This issue will follow the workflow as we defined earlier.
with this knowledge, I am sure you are ready to configure your own Redmine For Employee Referral Program Workflow.
Ideas to move beyond regular employee referral program
Well you can quickly setup this project as ‘Public’ and spread the program beyond your employees.