This step by step tutorial guides you through the detail process of installing Redmine 4.1.0 on Ubuntu 19.10. During installation there are few build errors related to nokogiri and mysql2, this post describes how to install redmine on Disco Dingo Ubuntu 19.10 with solved build errors.

To get working Redmine 4.1.0 we need to follow following steps (total 8 steps) :


Step 1 :Install redmine on Disco Dingo Ubuntu 19.10

First step is to check and install apache server. Open your terminal by pressing Alt+Ctrl +T and enter following command to install Apache2 server

sudo apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-passenger

after execution of above command , visit http://localhost/ on your browser to check proper installation

Successful Apache2 Installation

Step 2: Install Redmine Application

To install redmine application , visit and download redmine tar.gz package.

Redmine Download Page

After Downloading Enter following commands in terminal (first make sure you are in Downloads Directory ) to place Downloaded application to /usr/share/ directory

Copy redmine tar.gz file to /usr/share/

sudo cp redmine-4.1.0.tar.gz /usr/share/

Redmine-4.1.0.tar.gz copied successfully to /usr/share/

Extract This compressed file

sudo tar -xvzf redmine-4.1.0.tar.gz

Extraction Started

Now , remove tar.gz file as it is not needed afterwords

sudo rm redmine-4.1.0.tar.gz

Removed tar.gz file successfully

we can see following directory structure in redmine folder

Redmine Directory Structure

Step 3 : Install MySql and Create an Empty Redmine Database

Enter following command to install MySql server as well as client

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

Installing MySql

Now , check MySql Version

mysql – -version

Now , create Empty database as root/super user

sudo -i

Standard User To Super User switch

Now that we have all the privilages to change the system , create empty database


MySql prompt opened

Enter following command to create database


Database Created

create user redmine with password ‘my_password’

CREATE USER 'redmine'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_password';

USER created

Grant all access to user

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redmine.* TO 'redmine'@'localhost';

Now , exit MySql

Step 4 : DATABASE configuration

Copy Following details to config/database.yml file

  adapter: mysql2
  database: redmine
  host: localhost
  username: redmine
  password: "my_password"

gedit config/database.yml

above command will open gedit editor (you can use vim ,nano, emacs or any other editor also) . Now paste above configuration in this opened file , save and close it.

Note: make sure you are in Redmine directory and You are standard user . If you edit database.yml as a super user (# prompt ) , standard user can only read this file and cannot edit it ) . so make sure there is $ prompt not #.

opening database.yml file
Edited and Saved Database configuration

Step 5 : Dependency Installation

In this step we will install lots of ruby gems (59 total ) and other dependencies (total 31)

Enter following commands as standard user ($ prompt)

sudo gem install bundler

sudo bundle install --without development test

Here , you may face the Nokogiri dependency error, “an error occurred while installing nokogiri (1.10.9) and bundler cannot continue”

nokogiri Dependency Error

This occur due to multi level dependencies .

To resolve this , we need to manually install nokogiri gem.

sudo apt-get install build-essential patch ruby-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev

sudo gem install nokogiri -v 1.10.3

Again run above command to continue on how to Install Redmine on Disco Dingo Ubuntu 19.10.

sudo bundle install --without development test

MySql Client missing Error

This time we get error for myslq2 ” an error occured while installing mysql2 (0.5.3) and bundler cannot continue, Make sure that ‘get install mysql2 -v ‘0.5.3’ –source ‘’ succeeds before bundling.

We need to install MySql client to proceed, follow below steps to install it.

sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

again enter bundle command

sudo bundle install –without development test

All Dependencies Installed

Step 6: Database Schema Objects Creation

Generate a random key used by Rails to encode cookies storing session data thus preventing their tampering.

bundle exec rake generate_secret_token

Create the database structure, by running the following command under the application root directory i.e./usr/share/redmine-4.1.0

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate

Rake Abort

If Rake abort appears , check database.yml file and confirm the accuracy of username and password and try again.

Execution started

Then insert default configuration data in database, by running the following command

This step will ask to select language. Select en for english.

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data

Step 7: Test Installation

Test the installation by running WEBrick web server:

bundle exec rails server webrick -e production

WEBrick server started

Now , open url in your browser to launch redmine .( The URL is given in above pitcher . It may vary .)

Click on sign In and log in using default credentials i.e. Username : admin , password : admin

You will be asked to change your password to custom one . Now set the password of your choice .and save it.

Also you change account details from My account .

Click on administration -> information to check Redmine details.

Redmine Properly Installed

Step 8 : Plugin Installation

Redmine 4.1.0 is installed on Ubuntu 19.10 Now lets install a plugin to check its working .

enter following command ( first check you are in plugin sub directory in redmine directory). to install pivot table plugin

git clone git://

Cloning plugin to plugins directory

If Git is not installed on your system, above command will not execute . So, first Install Git by executing following command and try again

sudo apt-get install git

after successfull execution of git clone command, run following command

sudo RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:plugins:migrate

Now , restart redmine to see the plugin added .

Pivot table plugin added to Redmine 4.1.0 on Ubuntu 19.10

In this way, we have completed how to install redmine on Disco Dingo Ubuntu 19.10 with solved build errors and also added pivot table plugin to it for testing its working.

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