Searching in Rails app with Ransack
Beginners guide In previous articles we have covered beginner guides for debugging ruby on rails application, in this post we shall cover searching and sorting in the rails app with ransack library. After reading this article you would realise that adding Ransack gem to your MVC- model and view controller application and you’re all set […]
Installing Redmine On Windows 10 With WSL2 Ubuntu
You might be already familiar with the ruby support on windows. Many of us prefer using Linux for ruby on rails development. But if you cannot access a separate Linux installation OR your machine is not capable of running a full Virtual Machine , then this might be the way you can consider for ruby […]
Redmine Development and Test Environments Setup
Today we are going to setup the development and test environments for redmine . Generally when we install redmine , we install it in production environment . Sometimes it become necessary to have development env for tasks like debugging OR for development logs . So if you want to setup development and test env also […]
Install Redmine On AWS Server Using CLI
We are trying to install redmine on AWS server using CLI – command line. This step by step guide will help you to setup. There is docker file available on AWS markatepalce . This redmine was installed on other AWS instance running Ubuntu. But with this user is getting error while downloading attachments. User is […]
MySqldump Failed on AWS Server
Taking Database Backup We are using AWS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server and Latest MySql . We are trying to migrate databse to new server using mysqldump . We have tried to take the backup of existing databse but it thrown a error messege. This happen because , in never version of mysql (>=8.0) It requires […]
Develop Your Own Redmine Plugin
So you want to develop your own redmine plugin then your search ends here. Internet does have all the information but few steps and methods are for old version of redmine and those steps may not work with redmine 4.0 or later version. This will be our opening post and more posts to be followed […]
Install Redmine on Disco Dingo Ubuntu 19.10 With Solved Build Errors

This step by step tutorial guides you through the detail process of installing Redmine 4.1.0 on Ubuntu 19.10. During installation there are few build errors related to nokogiri and mysql2, this post describes how to install redmine on Disco Dingo Ubuntu 19.10 with solved build errors. To get working Redmine 4.1.0 we need to follow […]
Bitnami Redmine Installation On Windows
In this post we will explain details steps on how to install redmine on windows operating system. We will also explain steps on how to install new plugin and test it. We are using redmine 4.1 and windows 10 for this exercise. As you know redmine is one of the popular web based project management […]